
Code Editors are a religion to many. From Emacs & Vim wars to Sublime & Visual Studio Code wars, the believers and heretics have been fighting over which tool (really!) is the best.

I have started my journey long back, with vi editor on Motorola mainframe with code in Assembly language and Pascal.

In the course of the last twenty five years, I have used editors ranging from Vim, Emacs, Turbo Pascal, Borland C & C++, Notepad++, TextPad, TextMate, SublimeText, Atom, Spacemacs, and Visual Studio Code. There may be tens of other editors I would have used and forgotten.

My story is similar to other developers.

We are always looking for the best editor, our core tool to help us understand, create and manage our craft.

CodingEditors.dev is this journey of finding the best possible tools which will help you excel at your passion.